VR / AR Community

Treasurer and Event Organizer, BostonVR (a 501c3 non-profit)
2015 – present See http://bostonvr.org
BostonVR is a 5100+ member group of VR developers and fans, world's 5th largest.
I help plan and organize events: engage speakers and demo providers.
I look after the legal and financial details of the organization.
Through fall of 2015 - Spring of 2017, I was the co-CEO of BostonVR with Jeff Bail. We built the organization from a very small club to what it is, now.
Co-organized more than a dozen Saturday "Hack Days" at Brookline Interactive Group, where VR and AR developers could come by and make things all day.
Jeff Bail, Co-Organizer at BostonVR
Jeffrey and I have been co-organizing events with our Boston Virtual Reality group and his dedication and passion for VR have really helped us to become a success. He has a lot of experience as a VR consultant and I'd recommend him to anyone looking for help on VR projects.
Recent BostonVR Events I Organized in 2018:
June 19th: BostonVR event, "Art in AR: Boston Cyberarts and Hoverlay." Lining up demonstrators, found venue and speakers, etc. See https://www.meetup.com/Boston-Virtual-Reality/events/251044656/
June 26th: BostonVR event, "VRX: Immersive Enterprise 2018 – Day 1 After-Party. By Boston VRARA and BostonVR" Lining up demonstrators, found venue and speakers, etc. See https://www.meetup.com/Boston-Virtual-Reality/events/250619517/
July 23rd: BostonVR event "Museums and Immersive Media at Alley Powered By Verizon" See https://www.meetup.com/Boston-Virtual-Reality/events/251684580/
Teaching and Mentoring
Much of my contribution to the VR / AR tech community is in the form of teaching and mentoring. For detail, see Teaching.

Executive Director, PublicVR, Boston, MA (a 501c3 non-profit)
2008 - 2014 See http://publicvr.org
Conducted research in educational VR and MXR for the public domain. See http://publicvr.org/JacobsonPublications2018.htm
Raised funding from the National Science Foundation, the National Endowment for the Humanities, the NFF Foundation, and private sources.
Attracted and mentored 19 students in academic internships. Every one walked away with a resume piece and all graduate students published their work.
Developed the Egyptian Oracle Project. See Education.
Created the Living Forest. See Education.
Developed CaveUT. See Medicine & Other
PublicVR has since merged with BostonVR, doing business under that name.
Other Contributions
On an NSF Peer Review panel for Cyberlearning research grants (2015).
Reviewed grant applications for NASA and NOAA.
Co-Editor: History and Heritage in Games and Virtual Worlds, Special Issue of Games and Culture, 6 (6), Sage Publications (2011).
Managed the "Full Immersion, Mixed Reality and Augmented Reality Installations," Media Grid Immersive Education Summit, Boston College, Boston, May, 2011
Local Arrangements Chair, Conference of Virtual Reality, Waltham, MA, March, 2010
Peer reviewed of articles for
Journal of Immersive Education (2012)
International Journal of Virtual and Personal Learning Environments (2012)
European Conference on Games Based Learning (2012, 2011, 2010)
Journal of Presence (2011),
IEEE Journal of Educational Technology (2009)
HCI Journal (2011)
Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Meeting (2010)
…and many more conferences and journals over the past ten years.