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Shepley Bulfinch Consulting 

2014 – Present   

  • Shepley Bulfinch is a respected mid-sized architecture firm that began using VR in their practice in 2014 earlier than most.

  • They hired me on several occasions, came to my workshops, and had me on retainer through 2017. I showed them the relevant technologies, procured expert help for deep training in the Unreal Engine, keep them informed on trends and opportunities, and provide UX advice.  

  • Today, they are recognized for using VR productively in their practice. 

James Martin, Chief Information Officer, Shepley Bulfinch 


"Jeffrey is clearly a man with a deep well of experience and passion for all things virtual reality. He has been very gracious with his time and equipment helping us imagine what the design industry may look like when VR comes into its own right. 


The workshops Jeffrey has been organizing in the past year are a great place to share ideas, and meet other AEC professionals that are interesting in exploring one of the cutting edges of technology that have the potential to fundamentally change the way we design, construct, and interact with the built environment in the future."

VR/AR Workshops for Architecture & Construction, Scalable Display Technology

2015 - 2017

  • Scalable Display Technologies needed an entrée into the construction and architecture industry to market projection-based displays that use their software.

  • Developed and delivered monthly workshops on VR and AR for architectural design and construction management.  We reviewed relevant technologies, discussed their usage, showcased the work by early adopters, and experimented.

  • The outcome was increased awareness of Scalable offerings, increased sales, and valuable feedback from the potential user community on its needs.  

  • The workshops also accelerated adoption of VR and AR by local architecture.

  • I designed the curricula, presented, invited the guests, brought in demonstrators. 

Andrew W. Jamison, CEO of Scalable Display Technologies

"I am pleased to highly recommend Jeff. Jeff is a seasoned professional with many years for experience in VR, AR and immersive display. In my experience Jeff is always well prepared for action and quick with his very detailed follow-up. Jeff's attention to detail is second to none and his insights are always enlightening. Moreover Jeff is easy to work with and a fine person. I strongly recommend Jeff."


VR Training for Payette Architects


  • Payette is a prestigious architecture firm wanting to lead in VR for design.  

  • They hired us to train their visualization group in VR production. We taught them how to translate their existing CAD designs into the Unity engine, refine them there, and add basic interactions.

  • They had expected to use VR to communicate to certain clients for certain projects. They did that, but by the Fall of 2016 found themselves using VR internally during the design process for nearly half their projects. 

  • See:

  • Tools:  Unity, HTC Vive, C#, Photoshop, Maya

  • Team:  Jacobson (curriculum, UX design), Donaghey (Art), Antinori (Programming)

Advanced Window Treatment Simulation

2016  for Ver-Tex Shading Solutions

  • Client needed a compact way to show clients the visual effects of different lighting conditions, glass types, and shade fabrics. 

  • Built an interactive simulation of a small room with one window and one shade with many light conditions, materials, etc.

  • Simulation was used in demonstrations at ABX 2016 and elsewhere.

  • Tools: HTC Vive, Unity, Revit, C#, 3DS-Maxx, Photoshop, Blender, Maya

  • Team: Jacobson (management & software), Chadwick (Lead Artist), Antinori (programming), Michael Kyes (Architect), Barret-Byrns (Art), Donaghey (Art).

Consult for DRA Architects

  • 2017   Mentoring

  • Drummey Rosane Anderson (DRA) architects wanted to add VR capability to their practice to remain current in their industry. 

  • I worked with them to understand their needs, showed them the available AR and VR visualization tools, discussed best practices, and helped them choose a toolset.

  • Today, they are happy with the tools they chose, and VR is a key part of what they do.

VR Visualization of Luxury Residence

  • 2016 Lanson Properties

  • Client in New York City needed to sell their building at 242 East 52nd as a luxury residence. However, half of the property had a commercial tenant at the time.

  • We worked with their architects and built them an interactive 3D model of the space, reimagined as a residential space. A viewer could explore it in VR, on a desktop computer, or a movie tour --

  • Client was satisfied with the work and is actively using it to sell the property. 

  • Tools:  Unity, 3DS Maxx, Maya, Blender, C#, HTC Vive

  • Team:  Jacobson (Management, UX Design), Antinori (Programming), Donaghey (Art), Chadwick (Lead Artist), Iain Barrett Byrns (Art).

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